About a month ago I decided to change things up — I knew very well that as per the HCPG trading strategy there would be chunks of time where I would be doing nothing, just waiting for alerts to set-up, or targets to be hit. At the same time I knew I would always hesitate leaving the office for too long. I decided to build a quality home gym in our rec room.
First purchase: a quality dock/speaker for the music via iPhone. I went for the Bowers and Wilkins Air Zeppelin which is one of the only systems that allows AirPlay. It also has formidable sound. I’ve been using it almost every day for a month and couldn’t be happier with the quality.
We already had an Elliptical machine in there but I never really took to it — but I do like running, so I bought a LifeFitness Treadmill. I did some research into treadmills and thought LifeFitness was a good fit. Again, very happy with the quality thus far. The Air Zeppelin can be controlled via my iPhone on the treadmill and I have my Interactive Broker app running on the iPad to monitor my positions/market. The only pain here is that you can’t have two running at same time so you have to log-out of the main office TWS and log into the one on the iPad.

In order to add some variety I bought a free-standing bag for punches and kicks. I went with the WaveMaster but that was the only one they offered — didn’t put too much research into this one but no complaints, works great.

A couple of yoga mats for sit-ups, etc is a must for the room.

A few medicine balls for strength-training.

And so far that’s about it — there’s nothing I want to immediately add. It’s been the best material quality of life jump purchase I have made in a long time — I am working out now around 6x a week, I feel better about trading, and I’m much less tempted to trade for trading sake (one of the most common errors for day-traders). If I’m bored, I’ll go downstairs, blast some music and go on the bag. Today was a very good example. I came into the day with no alerts and just nursing a few swings. There was really nothing to do (even though my buddy DinosaurTrader did get me involved in a nice little miner short for an hour, thanks dude). I worked out for 45 minutes and feel great.
This is my first foray into giving non-stock advice but it’s one I feel strongly about — if you already have a home gym think about upgrading/sprucing it up so it becomes more attractive to you and if you don’t, think about it setting one up for your next purchase. I think almost more than any other profession, having a home gym is a great asset for home-office traders.