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Friday, September 04, 2009
Triggers for Friday: target trades
For today's newsletter we had written, "Not a clean spot but we'll buy CF on strength for a trade to at least 85.5" and CF set-up base and break at 84 and 85 for a good run.
From last night's newsletter: "AGU target trade to 50 on any Ag-Chem strength" Very nice target trade to resistance.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Triggers from yesterday's newsletter
PAAS 21.5
KGC 21
GG 41
AEM 63
ABX 39
All our precious metal triggers grinded higher during the day-- as far as break-outs go these last two days in the precious metal sector have been golden.
Profits on Gold
We posted our entry in AEM GDX yesterday and thought it would be considerate to do the same for the exit -- we added to both names this morning (and a few others that were posted in last night's newsletter including ABX GG KGC PAAS) and now have taken our exit.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Free Newsletter
We discuss some of our core strategies in our newsletter tonight -- if you want a copy send us an email and we'd be happy to send it to you.
info AT highchartpatterns DOT COM
info AT highchartpatterns DOT COM
All eyes on Gold
Great high-volume move on Gold stocks today (thus far anyway -- we're writing this at 12 PM EST). We're long GDX and AEM and will swing them both if they close well.
Support Buys
Two support buys from our newsletter for Tuesday and Wednesday -- Circles represent the buy spots posted in our newsletter